Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 297-7265

Insights From a Tree Service Provider

The Most Common Causes of Tree Stump Damage and How to Prevent It

Tree stumps can pose a hazard to your yard and to passersby. If left untreated, they can attract pests and disease, cause tripping hazards, and damage lawnmowers or other yard equipment. In this blog, we have listed the most common causes of tree stump damage and how to prevent it. When professional help is needed, make sure to invest in a tree service.

Weather Damage

Weather events like heavy rain, wind, and snow can cause tree stumps to shift or sink, damaging the surrounding yard. To prevent weather damage, it’s important to remove stumps promptly, so they don’t pose a hazard during weather events.

Insect Infestations

Insects like termites, carpenter ants, and beetles are attracted to tree stumps because of the decaying wood. They can burrow into the stump and the surrounding soil, causing extensive damage to your yard’s root system. To prevent insect infestations, it’s important to remove stumps and their roots completely.


Tree stumps left in your yard can become a breeding ground for harmful fungi and bacteria, which can cause diseases to your plants. These diseases can spread throughout your yard and even to neighboring properties, causing significant damage and requiring expensive treatments. To prevent disease, it’s important to remove stumps promptly and ensure that the roots are removed completely.

Improper Removal

Improper stump removal can cause significant damage to your yard and surrounding property. For example, leaving roots or pieces of the stump behind can cause new sprouts to grow, causing additional damage to your yard. To prevent improper removal, it’s important to hire a professional stump removal service with experience and the right equipment.


Neglecting to remove stumps from your yard can cause significant damage over time. As the stump decays, it can attract pests, cause tripping hazards, and damage your yard’s root system. To prevent neglect, it’s important to remove stumps promptly and maintain a regular schedule of yard maintenance.


Tree stumps can pose a hazard to your yard, but with proper stump removal and maintenance, you can prevent damage. Weather damage, insect infestations, disease, improper removal, and neglect are the most common causes of stump damage, but they can be prevented with prompt removal and regular yard maintenance.

Need a professional tree service in Des Moines, IA instead? Then reach out to Rod Meek Top Notch Tree Care for the job! We can work on a variety of tree work, so call us at (515) 297-7265 today for an appointment!

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