Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 297-7265

Ways of Removing Tree Stumps From a Reliable Stump Grinding Company

Clearing Away the Tree Stump in Your Yard

Now that you’ve got your trees removed or cut down in your yard, you’re left with the tree stumps. Most tree service companies offer stump removal as an additional or separate service or even leave the stumps to you. If you are searching to remove a tree stump on your own, there are various ways to clear away your tree stump from your yard. Here are a few ways of removing tree stumps from a reliable stump grinding company.

Using a Stump Grinder

One of the least labor-intensive ways to remove a tree stump is to rent a stump grinder. Stump grinders are specialized heavy machinery that will literally grind your stump down to mulch. Most rentable stump grinders are either self-propelled or walk-behind models. Your local department or hardware store should have stump grinders available to rent. Rates will vary depending on where you go, but most stores offer hourly rentals.

Manually Removing a Stump

Manually getting rid of your tree stump will take more effort than renting a stump grinder or contacting a tree removal company to do it for you. First, you’ll want to remove more of the stump with a chainsaw, but still leave some for later that you’ll use for leverage. Next, you’ll want to use a shovel or pick to reveal the roots of the stump. Use an axe to cut the roots, and continue moving the stump to reveal all the roots and cut them all with your axe. Once most of, if not all, big, major roots have been cut, you can start using your shovel or mattock pick to leverage the stump out of its spot. If it won’t budge, keep searching for more roots, or wrap a chain around it and have a pickup truck or similar vehicle pull on it.

For quality stump grinding, hire Rod Meek Top Notch Tree Care. Our company offers stump grinding services in Des Moines, IA. You can contact us at (515) 297-7265 for more information.

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